Pumkin Holler Panna

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Puh-leazze...is that all you've got?!?

Stop the presses ... John Kerry kinda sorta botches a joke and it results in a landslide victory for all Republicans on November 7th!
Come on Republican leadership...is that the only ammo you've got left? So Karl Rove's brilliant strategem, his "October Surprise", was to wait until a vocal Democrat leader blundered a few words, twist it all up, and slather it onto every Democratic candidate as if each and every one of them was collectively and personally responsible for that one man's words?
Please...your own beloved chimpanzee-in-chief did more to belittle and dismiss our service men and women's sacrificed lives by casually asserting that in the not so distant future, the entire Iraq debaucle would be little more than "a comma". What the hell is that even supposed to mean? It sounds a lot like "eh, no one will remember, no one will care."
But back to Mr. Kerry's joke...if you take the time to consider who he was speaking to (college students in Texas), and his comments just before his "you'll get stuck in Iraq" "punchline" ("President Bush used to live in the state of Texas, now he lives in the state of denial"), its pretty easy to see he was cracking on Bush himself and his own wasted opportunity for education.
But, Mr. Kerry being more intellectual, realized that words can be (and were deliberately) misconstrued and apologized (twice) to our soldiers, their families, and Americans in general for his joke gone astray.
Has Bush apologized for his "comma" remark? Nope. Not even a half-assed decent explanation for it. Best we get is his press secretary laughing it off and blaming it on the President's lack of command over the English language.
Republicans...you've had six years to accomplish something, unfettered by the ability of the opposition party to block your will. You even threatened to remove the one tool (filibuster) that the opposition in minority could use to stall your plans. And what do we as Americans have to show for your grand scheme? I'm not even sure left wing, hippy, pinko, liberal, big spendin', tax raisin', satan worshippin', terrorist lovin' Democrats could have burnt through a national surplus and created as large a national debt in forty years, as you guys did in six...and that was before you got us neck deep in an ego stroking, imperalistic adventure in Iraq which we didn't belong in in the first place and were lied to to get there.
If all you have left to convince us to vote for you again is "John Kerry doesn't care about our soldiers", then you're not even running on fumes...your tank is totally empty.


At 2:44 PM, Blogger tao1776 said...

"Republicans...you've had six years to accomplish something"

And...how they stay the course!
The party of "less government" is in my life as much as a bad case of shingles...they hurt so!

At 4:59 PM, Blogger Manic The Doodler said...

Unfortunately, that's the kind of stuff that will lose the election for the dems as the yellow magnet crowd has absolutely no tolerance for disrespect towards any soldier of any war whether it is intentioned or accidental. This is the type of stuff that many will take to the voting booth with them even though the repugs they plan on voting for are getting the soldiers Kerry joked about killed...


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