Pumkin Holler Panna

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Uncomfortably Numb

It is frustrating and embarrasing living in the United States of America and having to read about events like this in the foreign press:
Marines 'to face charges over the Haditha massacre'
If you don't want to click the link here's the gist of it: One marine was killed in November in Haditha, apparently as retribution, a bunch of others went and killed a bunch of civilians (around twenty four) including women and children. Then the marines tried to cover it up under the auspices of a "bus explosion" and a "firefight". There was no bus explosion and apparently some of the dead civilians were either in bed or praying when they were shot.
I'm just kind of numbed by reading about this.
I can remember a time when newspapers and news agencies wanted to scoop the competition, sometimes breaking stories before all the details were known, sometimes even getting material information wrong. The point is they wanted to report the news. They took pride in informing the public. Now they have become a laughable shill for corporate looters who have bought the best politicians they could for the money and damn well expect a decent return on investment.
Now that this political train is derailing, how much longer will we have to rely on foreign news sources to monitor our own government? I'm reminded of the situation with the news agency Pravda (russian for "truth") in the Soviet Union. What couldn't be sugar-coated was swept under the rug. Sound familiar?
Will this become the galvanizing event that My Lai was in Vietnam?

What experience and history teach is this -- that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles.
-- Hegel

Peace out...because, folks, that's the only chance any of us has


At 7:48 AM, Blogger Manic The Doodler said...

Yeah the media who I constantly hear being criticized for being too "liberal" are little more than lap dogs for the current and for a long time now, past administrations. The shit in Iraq and Afganistan just keeps getting uglier and uglier...


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