Pumkin Holler Panna

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Show Me How To Live - Audioslave

Excellent song with very cool video adapted from great movie, Vanishing Point.
The movie is an American classic much like Easy Rider. See the original though ... as much as I like Viggo Mortensen, the original has a more transcendental quality to it.
Not quite sure what the video has to do with the song lyrics, but still seems to work for me.
PS - Probably the easiest song ever to play on the guitar.

Friday, November 10, 2006


A traveller of a path many have taken but fewer now journey.
At times, feared straying and having lost the way.
Other times pondered:
Where will this take me?
Is this even the right direction?
Realization followed:
The difficulty of the passage is but a posture of the mind.
The road feels good and solid.
The traveller presses onward.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Beatles- Here comes the sun

One of my Beatle's favorites. Reminds me that in the darkest night or coldest winter, the light is just around the corner.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

No more political posts here ... honestly!

Yes, even I am dishonest. Not in many ways, but in some. Forty-one, I think it is.
- Mark Twain in letter to Joe Twichell, 3/14/1905

Okay ... I said I would put no more political posts here on Pumkin Holler, and I won't. But for the life of me, I had to vent about voting today ... so what's an honest man to do.

Create a new blog! So, without further ado, I offer Orange and Black State, the political division of Pumkin Holler Panna.


Saturday, November 04, 2006

Cox Sux

I'm tired of being angry, so this will be my last pseudo-political rant here on the Panna.
I play music. I listen to any music. I love music. One of my guilty pleasures for the last several years has been driving in my car and listening to an "oldies" (actually 80s music, but I'm getting old) station in the local area. That station is owned and operated by Cox Radio, Inc.
Last week, I got in my car, radio came on, and out came ... talk radio. I thought maybe someone was pranking me, and they had changed my stereo over to AM. Nope ... there it was, just where I'd left it ... on my favorite 80s station. And this wasn't just any old talk radio ('cause, surprise, surprise, I actually love NPR, which for the most part is a bunch of talking), but rightwing, caustic spewing, Rush Turdball-esque talk radio.
I don't fault Cox for undergoing a format change, it probably just made good business sense. For the life of me, I could never understand why they even had an 80s channel when they also operate a "70s, 80s, and 90s" channel just four tenths of a megahertz away.
Here is why Cox sucks though ... as many of you know, Ohio is one the most hotly contested politcal battlegrounds in the United States right now. And from the looks of things, we are going to be changing colors in a big way ... out with the old and in with the Blue. A lot of these Congressional seat races are going to be fairly close though ("Blackwell for Governor" might as well close their campaign office doors now though). With just two weeks remaining before the election, Cox changes the format of this station from playing the music of my nostalgia to neo-conservative windbag propaganda. For the love of Benji, I would rather listen to the Wayne Newton sing Judas Priest's Greatest Hits featuring the Mormon Tabernacle Choir on jawharp, before subjecting myself to ten minutes of a Michael Savage hate-filled, sophmoric rant about immigrants.
Cox, you suck because you pander to this bunch of losers, who pillage, plunder, rape and then convince communications companies like you to try and rationalize and justify their criminal behavior. At the very least, a prostitute can wake up in the morning and shower off the stench of her previous nights work ... you can't.
Now ... that being said, I hereby devote this site to the pursuit of artistic and hopefully (at least pseudo) intellectual pursuit.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Puh-leazze...is that all you've got?!?

Stop the presses ... John Kerry kinda sorta botches a joke and it results in a landslide victory for all Republicans on November 7th!
Come on Republican leadership...is that the only ammo you've got left? So Karl Rove's brilliant strategem, his "October Surprise", was to wait until a vocal Democrat leader blundered a few words, twist it all up, and slather it onto every Democratic candidate as if each and every one of them was collectively and personally responsible for that one man's words?
Please...your own beloved chimpanzee-in-chief did more to belittle and dismiss our service men and women's sacrificed lives by casually asserting that in the not so distant future, the entire Iraq debaucle would be little more than "a comma". What the hell is that even supposed to mean? It sounds a lot like "eh, no one will remember, no one will care."
But back to Mr. Kerry's joke...if you take the time to consider who he was speaking to (college students in Texas), and his comments just before his "you'll get stuck in Iraq" "punchline" ("President Bush used to live in the state of Texas, now he lives in the state of denial"), its pretty easy to see he was cracking on Bush himself and his own wasted opportunity for education.
But, Mr. Kerry being more intellectual, realized that words can be (and were deliberately) misconstrued and apologized (twice) to our soldiers, their families, and Americans in general for his joke gone astray.
Has Bush apologized for his "comma" remark? Nope. Not even a half-assed decent explanation for it. Best we get is his press secretary laughing it off and blaming it on the President's lack of command over the English language.
Republicans...you've had six years to accomplish something, unfettered by the ability of the opposition party to block your will. You even threatened to remove the one tool (filibuster) that the opposition in minority could use to stall your plans. And what do we as Americans have to show for your grand scheme? I'm not even sure left wing, hippy, pinko, liberal, big spendin', tax raisin', satan worshippin', terrorist lovin' Democrats could have burnt through a national surplus and created as large a national debt in forty years, as you guys did in six...and that was before you got us neck deep in an ego stroking, imperalistic adventure in Iraq which we didn't belong in in the first place and were lied to to get there.
If all you have left to convince us to vote for you again is "John Kerry doesn't care about our soldiers", then you're not even running on fumes...your tank is totally empty.