Pumkin Holler Panna

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Gimme, Gimme Shelter

Building our new shed is currently consuming most of my free time (mainly my blogging time).
It's going to kind of look like the one here (one can hope). The floor took the longest time to build as our yard drops off about 18 inches on one corner and about 10 on another corner where the shed is going to be (which believe it or not is about the best place we can put it in our immediate back yard). The floor ended up being a very sturdy structure (way overkill for what we'll be putting into the shed). I thought about using it for a backyard dance floor, but I remembered that I'd already bought the shed kit, plus I really can't dance.
But, the floor is finished and the kit arrived last Sunday. Took two forklifts about 10 minutes to get it in the truck. Took three of us about 45 minutes to get it out of the truck. It started raining, so we were motivated.
The kit I ordered is very good so far. The instructions are excellent and everything is pre-cut (amazingly, to very good spec). So far, I have the wall with the door finished, and the frame for the back wall finished. Unlike the shed in the picture, ours will have the door on the gable side and we will only have two windows and no dormers.
Why am I building this shed? Because our "secure" storage unit was robbed twice within one month. Turns out the security cameras weren't even aimed at the units themselves. I personally feel that it was an inside job, as the people who robbed the units knew exactly where the cameras were and precisely which units they wanted to rob. I wish we didn't need the storage, but we rehab houses and have way more tools, parts and pieces to keep in the garage.
So, I'll soon be able to reclaim the garage for what its intended for...rebuilding old cars, but that's a post for another time.

Peace out,

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Classical Gas

Of all the questions that man has pondered over the last four centuries or so, I would like to add the following: Why are farts so funny?

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Top Albums from People or Bands you've probably never heard of, but should

Inspired by my friend Zeteticus's list of his top 10 Albums of all time.
This is more for my edification than anything else, because I love music.
I'm hoping to see some posts that will lead me to new music.
Here are some of my picks (not necessarily in order):

1) Bad Livers - "Delusions of Banjer"
2) Golden Delicious - "Live at the Thirstlaurel"
3) Corey Harris - "Mississippi to Mali"
4) Dead Can Dance - "Toward the Within"
5) Danny Barnes - "Dirt on the Angel"
6) Beatallica - "A Garage Dayz Night" - can't purchase; download at www.beatallica.org
7) Ben Harper - "Diamonds on the Inside"
8) Black Keys - "Thickfreakness"
9) Mountain Heart - "Mountain Heart"
10) Flogging Molly - "Drunken Lullabies"

Sorry if I'm a little heavy on the bluegrass/americana, but that's what I've been listening to a lot lately.
Now, its your turn ... turn me on to some new stuff