I'm tired of being angry, so this will be my last pseudo-political rant here on the Panna.
I play music. I listen to any music. I love music. One of my guilty pleasures for the last several years has been driving in my car and listening to an "oldies" (actually 80s music, but I'm getting old) station in the local area. That station is owned and operated by Cox Radio, Inc.
Last week, I got in my car, radio came on, and out came ... talk radio. I thought maybe someone was pranking me, and they had changed my stereo over to AM. Nope ... there it was, just where I'd left it ... on my favorite 80s station. And this wasn't just any old talk radio ('cause, surprise, surprise, I actually love NPR, which for the most part is a bunch of talking), but rightwing, caustic spewing, Rush Turdball-esque talk radio.
I don't fault Cox for undergoing a format change, it probably just made good business sense. For the life of me, I could never understand why they even had an 80s channel when they also operate a "70s, 80s, and 90s" channel just four tenths of a megahertz away.
Here is why Cox sucks though ... as many of you know, Ohio is one the most hotly contested politcal battlegrounds in the United States right now. And from the looks of things, we are going to be changing colors in a big way ... out with the old and in with the Blue. A lot of these Congressional seat races are going to be fairly close though ("Blackwell for Governor" might as well close their campaign office doors now though). With just two weeks remaining before the election, Cox changes the format of this station from playing the music of my nostalgia to neo-conservative windbag propaganda. For the love of Benji, I would rather listen to the Wayne Newton sing Judas Priest's Greatest Hits featuring the Mormon Tabernacle Choir on jawharp, before subjecting myself to ten minutes of a Michael Savage hate-filled, sophmoric rant about immigrants.
Cox, you suck because you pander to this bunch of losers, who pillage, plunder, rape and then convince communications companies like you to try and rationalize and justify their criminal behavior. At the very least, a prostitute can wake up in the morning and shower off the stench of her previous nights work ... you can't.
Now ... that being said, I hereby devote this site to the pursuit of artistic and hopefully (at least pseudo) intellectual pursuit.