Pumkin Holler Panna

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Give Peace A Chance

I've noticed something very curious recently. My dreams seem to be reflecting my inner anxiety which I all but erased from my waking conciousness.
It's really kind of bizarre. I know I should be worried about something, but within the last couple of years I have, in all seriousness, been able to put it aside and "stay in the moment". But over the last week or so, I've had these dreams which are all so obviously reflecting the anxiety that for the most part, I've been able to deflect while awake.
I've considered the possiblity that I've just been deluding myself, but other people know how I am. I took damage from my old boss because I just never got worked up about anything. I asked him though, did he think he could count on me in a pinch, and he said "yes, probably more than anyone else", because I never lost it and could stay cool under fire.
But now with these haunting dreams, I'm not so sure that the water is rolling off my back like I thought it was.
Up until now, being a neo-hippy was all pretty easy for me...maybe this is a test of character?

Peace out,


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